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Where can i buy prednisone over the counter ? As a follow up of this post I've now written up a simple script that automatically creates a database from JSON file called the schema. That way, when you want to write your own custom data type, you can just use a simple Python script to write its schema the file. I'm not a database expert, but it looks like a fairly simple matter of reading and writing, or using a simple external program to read and write. That is to say, it takes no extra work on your part to write own format, just get it working. I've also written up an example database called the Todos schema to show basic workings of the script, you can find it on GitHub. For the purposes of this post, we are going to be using PostgreSQL as our database. To keep things simple, I've used a simple schema of the type Todos that consists of a User and Task, although you could easily extend that to be anything you like. For this post I am going to assume you have already downloaded a copy of the schemas from project repository on GitHub, and that you can navigate to the root of projects directory. This post is meant to serve as a basic introduction to writing schema files using TodosDB. My goal is that when you get stuck, will have a basic understanding of how the script works, as well some examples of how you can do things yourself. A bit of extra context would be highly requested.  It will also be assumed that you've already set up Todos to use the database on a local environment (I prefer to use the postgresql interface Todos). 1. Start TodosDB TodosDB is a PostgreSQL script, that automatically creates a new database from JSON script file called schema. That way one can write schema file, which is stored in the TodosDB directory. To start TodosDB, just run the following command using sudo on the line: sudo tdb-create If you try to run TodosDB already, you will be prompted for a database password. 2. The database creation process Todos uses the tdb-create command to create a database named the current working directory (a.k.a ~/todos ). It will then start a few jobs that are responsible for creating other basic things: - Create database tables Add entries to (create user, group, add user) - Create views At this stage the schema is created and TodosDB ready for some actual data w